Friday, June 22, 2012

My Top 5: Favorite Books

My Top 5...
Favorite Books/Book Series:
  1. The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind- It's a 13 book series, but don't let that scare you. All the books are published and available for reading right away, so you don't need to wait for the next one to come out. Read about it here or here. "Wizards First Rule" is the first book, so start there. :)
  2. "Forest of Hands and Teeth" by Carrie Ryan- This is book one of a three part trilogy. The second book is called "The Dead-Tossed Waves" and the third is "The Dark and Hollow Places". The 1st and the 3rd were my favorites, but the 2nd is necessary. Read about it here.
  3. "Room" by Emma Donohue- This is a sad, interesting, sweet, and terrifying story about a boy who lives with his mom in a 12x14 foot garden shed. His mom was kidnapped and kept as prisoner in this reinforced cell. Jack, the little boy of about 5, was born in the room and never has seen the outside world. The story is told from his perspective and offers a unique and sweet voice to a very horrifying situation. Read more about it here.
  4. "A Tree Grow In Brooklyn" by Betty Smith- I love this book. It's tied with "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. I love the honesty of the main character, Francie, as well as the struggles and observations that she goes through. Read all about it here. Both "The Jungle" and "Tree Grows in Brooklyn" document the hardships faced by immigrants and poor people in a time where there weren't government programs and things to help those in need even if their pride would allow them to take it.
  5. "Homecoming" by Cynthia Voigt- If you didn't read this in Middle School or High School, then stop by your local library and pick up a copy.  It is a wholesome good read that makes me value what I have and what I grew up with. Family is important, and sticking together is what it's all about. Read about it here
These are my quick picks of favorite books. If you want a whole list of what I have read and what I rated each one, go here.
What are your top 5 favorite books?

1 comment:

  1. I've heard several people talk about the Sword of Truth series...I think it's time to check them out! Some of my favorites are Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson, The Goose Girl series by Shannon Hale, and The Tiger's Curse series by Colleen Houck.
